A free weekday online comic strip throughout 2024.
Kate is the loving mother of Portia and Angel, the definitely-not-teasing-you wife of Joel, and a ninja assassin for the Cleveland mafia.
For one year, we’ll be following the story of Kate’s family—from Portia’s teenage angst to Kate’s midlife ennui; from Kate’s battles with a new crime boss to Angel’s war against having to learn his times tables.
- fencing ✅
- fighting ✅
- torture ❌ (unless you count polka music)
- revenge ✅
- giants ✅
- monsters ❌
- chases ✅
- escapes ✅
- true love ✅
- miracles TBD
Written and lettered by Eric Herz-O’Brien, layouts, inks, and colors by me.
You can read the story here! Or follow along on Instagram.